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​Testimonials provided by those who have completed the

Certificate in Supportive Music and Imagery (SMI)

I had been searching for some time for a psychotherapeutic approach that combined modalities, was suitable for online working, and could encourage me to explore my own creative potential. I feel I have found this in the gentle but profound meeting of image and music offered by SMI. The training has supported me in feeling confident to explore the method through carefully guided experiential exercises framed by a thorough, clearly delivered theoretical grounding. The Trainers, often pioneers in their field, have together provided an inspiring balance of knowledge and experience. Music Therapist

SMI training was one of the most organised courses I have ever attended. Martin, Carine and Ian were clearly very knowledgeable and passionate about this intervention. The theoretical material was drawn from a wide pool of Music Imagery, Psychodynamic thinking and Neuroscience literature with the practical applications being presented through clear case studies (adults, children, groups). This is an excellent integrative course for all creative therapists and psychotherapists who want to add the use of Supportive Music Imagery as part of supporting clients and/or themselves with resourcing and self-care. Psychology (BSc), Art Psychotherapy (AdvDip/MA equiv), Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, PhD

I'm very glad to have added the SMI technique to my skillet as a therapist. It is a deeply effective form of therapy which uses music and image-making to access the client's inner resources. It is a lovely method to facilitate and witness. The training course offers excellent insights into and theory of the approach, as well as thorough experiential learning. I have found the process enriching, and would definitely recommend this course to other therapists looking to expand their practise. Music Therapist

I valued each aspect of the course, and the extended timeframe embedded the method deeply into my practice and developed my therapy practice in important, useful and profound ways. I highly recommend the training. Music Therapist

I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the practical application of SMI and the theory that underpins it. It's a really effective therapy from my experiences and especially for online work. Music Therapist

I have been wanting to complete this course since my initial music therapy training. This technique has opened my eyes to a whole new approach integrating both music and art. I loved the focus of using positivity in the SMI session, which really emphasised the aspect of self care in the sessions. The whole training experience was great - the weekend of learning about the approach was interesting and engaging and I thoroughly enjoyed working in small groups, and the multiple supervision opportunities. I felt very supported on this course and cannot wait to start practising SMI now that I have passed this stage of the course. Music Therapist

What I liked about training in Supportive Music and Imagery was that it has added an additional tool to my toolbox as a music therapist. I really enjoyed the richness of the course content, and the variety of learning (experiential, peer groups, peer supervision). I had opportunities to think deeply about my client work in the peer supervision and have expert supervisors support the work. I enjoyed using my own SMI to reflect on my own clinical work. Using music and imagery is a beautiful way to guide the client through their own personal experiences & journeys.
I would highly recommend the course to anyone that is interested in using music & imagery as an addition to their work. I’d looking forward to developing my practice as an SMI therapist.
Music Therapist

​Testimonials provided by those who have completed the

Diploma in Re-educative Music and Imagery (RMI)

The RMI training provided a deeper understanding of the MI continuum. The course consisted with a good mix of theories, case studies and experiential practices. I particularly enjoyed the musical analysis seminar as it offered a refreshing way of analysing music creatively, taking both the objective musical elements and the subjective response into account. I am so pleased I now have RMI as an additional tool to support my clients with. Music therapist & EMDR therapist

The RMI course has been an amazing creative learning journey into deepening my relationship with use of Music and Imagery as an approach to process feelings in a gentle yet re-educative manner for inner change to occur. Same as the SMI course, it was extremely well designed and skillfully delivered by a faculty team with extensive knowledge and experience in the field. Psychology (BSc), Art Psychotherapy (AdvDip/MA equiv), Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, PhD

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